Tuesday 13 October 2009

Donetsk people are trying to accustom to the electronic cigarettes

Eternal cigarettes without smoke filter and tobacco - it is an invention offer donchanam American scientists.

Unique is not a cigarette paper, and plastic, and based on it - an electronic device. New - dealers said - does not contain harmful tar, reduces the costs of smoking, and then helps to get rid of the habit.
According to dealers, that cigarette smoking is allowed in kindergarten and in school, in the plane and bus. In order to set fire to it, do not need matches. But the main thing - say implementers - it is completely harmless.

At the manufacturer's site - comprehensive information about the invention. The creators say - new long been popular in Europe. However, in the Donetsk region leaflets and phone sales only appeared. In brochures and on the web page - the device and the principle of action. Electronic cigarette, according to the manufacturers, fully mimics normal. At the end of its glow, too - just electric - light provides a removable battery. Similarity of smoke creates steam, which arises from the device, the heated liquid. However, the main part of a cigarette - a removable cartridge, with or without nicotine.

Part of the film on electronic cigarettes: "You have a choice than to fill the cartridge - if you want to continue to smoke, then fill it with liquid nicotine, and if you want to quit, then fill it with liquid with a pleasant smell. The second method is better - you quit smoking. "

Price new items - more than a thousand hryvnia. Email Account is full of positive feedback from U.S. customers. We decided to check how react to overseas donchane invention. Driver Gregory - a smoker with a twenty-year experience. Electronic cigarette man does not want to even try.

Gregory - donchanin: "No, I do not want to try. Innovations always safely call. Pick up plus the smoke is there any radiation of electrons.

Such an innovation - not a universal way to quit smoking - say doctors. These cigarettes will help only in conjunction with a course of treatment of drug addiction. And if you simply replace the usual electronic cigarettes, a habit still remains.

Igor Kononenko - deputy chief physician of the regional drug addiction: "It is necessary not only to treat the dependence on nicotine. We must give a person strength to ensure that he threw. Physical strength, mental strength. "

Maybe in Europe, such cigarettes and smoking is allowed in airplanes, - agree in Donetsk police. But we have - they warn - for e-smoking even in the park fined. The law of Ukraine prolonged cigarette in public places is prohibited. The reason - the harm of nicotine to others. And the electronic cigarette contains this substance may well be.

Alexander Matsko - an employee of the regional police department: "There are adverse effects on others. Especially if there are chips and nicotine content, then it clearly falls under the law. "

Video From the regional representatives of the dealer electronic cigarettes declined. But privately reported - new cause of considerable interest. Every day, hundreds of them received calls. But so far, a month of work in the city, not a single cigarette or purchased, said TRC Union.

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